Studiu consum cafea in afara casei 2024 (copie)
Scopul studiului este acela de a cuantifica si monitoriza consumul de cafea din afara casei.
Canale monitorizate: cafenea, restaurant, bar, benzinarie, delivery, automat cafea, altele.
Report details
Studiu consum cafea in afara casei 2024 (copie)
Launch date
Year | 2023, 2024 |
Geographical area | Bucharest, Provinces |
Indicators | Annual, In progress |
Channel | Automat cafea, Bar, Cafenea, Delivery, Gas stations, Standard restaurant |
Interest | Acquisition value (all), Delivery, Market value (all), Marketing, Menu |
Products | Coffe |
1.450,00 lei
Context, Methodology & Target
Frequency of consumption of coffee
- Consumers of coffee in the last month
- Frequency of consumption of coffee in general
- How many coffees per day?
- Type of coffee according to the method of preparation / purchase
- Last time – consumption of ready-made coffees
- How many coffees bought, ready-made on the last occasion of consumption
- Journey Mapping Module
- From where? Where? Which coffee shop? How? With whom? Moment of the day? Price?
General Module
- Preparation preferences
- Moment of the day (in general)
- When? – meal time. How? – hot / cold
- Awareness of Specialty Coffee
- Favorite Coffee shop
- Quality coffee – important aspects
- Coffee selection criteria
- Sources of information about coffee shop
Socio-demographic Profile
Men & Women, 18-65 y.o., urban areas, 10 cities (Bucuresti, Timisoara, Cluj, Iasi, Brasov, Constanta, Craiova, Galati, Oradea, Ploiesti). People who bought at least one coffee ready-made in the last month.
Sample: N=800 interviews (400 respondents from Bucharest, 400 respondents from the Province; maximum sampling error: 4.9%) Data Collection Method: Telephone (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview)
What do you recommend?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
- Voice and talent

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Studiu consum cafea in afara casei 2024 (copie)
950,00 leiScopul studiului este acela de a cuantifica si monitoriza consumul de cafea din afara casei.
Canale monitorizate: cafenea, restaurant, bar, benzinarie, delivery, automat cafea, altele.
Comportament de consum Horeca 2023
2.450,00 leiAnalizează tipurile de locații și frecvența achizițiilor, inclusiv numărul de vizite per tip de locație. Descoperă unde consumatorii cumpără băuturi carbogazoase/necarbogazoase, vin, bere și alte băuturi alcoolice, precum și preferințele culinare în funcție de tipul locației.